The Fetch Collective

  • Keeping Your Pet Tick-Free | A Step-by-Step Guide

    As the sun begins to shine brighter and the days get warmer, it's a clear sign that tick season is right around the corner. But don't worry; we've got you covered with some easy-to-follow tips to keep your furry friends safe and sound.
  • Bushfires & Our Pets

    Every year Summer sneaks up on us, and sometimes, we’re unprepared for what that means for ourselves and our pets. With the official start of the fire danger season starting on January 9th, I think it’s important to review your fire safety plan, and how your pets are involved. With this past Spring bringing flood waters through massive parts of the state, debris has been scattered through the bushland floors. Summer dries out the debris and it becomes tinder for loose sparks. Whilst we all hope we’ll have a safe Summer, having a survival plan can make the difference in an emergency.